Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Nr1117:Protests against new meralco rate hike should also be directed against GMA

From the Office of Anakpawis Rep. Crispin Beltran
News Release November 17, 2005

Protests against new electricity rate hike must directed against GMA, not just Meralco and monopolies in electricity industry

Anakpawis Representative Crispin Beltran today strong denounced the plans of power distributor Meralco to raise its rates by 10 percent or as much P108.35 for customers consuming 200 kilowatt hours per month. Billing of large residential consumers with 300 to 700 kwh monthly consumption are expected to shell out P169 to P437 more. These increases are due to EVAT and on top of it is the National Power Corporation's power rate increase through the Generation Rate Adjustment Mechanism (GRAM). Meralco's new rates will be reflected in the December billing."

"Higher electricity rates imposed by giant power distributor Meralco will mean a bleak Christmas for its 22 million consumers who are already heavily burdened by Meralco's already exorbitant rates and the new EVAT. This only goes to prove that Macapagal-Arroyo's ever-worsening uselessness as president. She had stood idly by as Meralco continued to jack its rates and undermine the economic welfare of its costumers. Protests against the new electricity rate increase must also be directed against Macapagal-Arroyo and not just against Meralco,” he said.

In January, power rates will increase again as the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) approves the NAPOCOR petition for cost recovery.

"There really is no basis to agree to Macapagal-Arroyo's essentially dubious calls for reconciliation and unity. The economic difficulties of the Filipino people continue to worsen under her corrupt and illegitimate leadership. Utility monopolies such as Meralco as coddled and spoiled by this corrupt administration at the expense of the Filipino people's welfare,” he concluded.#


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